How to Know If Your Pet is in Pain

Pain is something we all feel, including our pets. When we are in pain, we can describe it in words and more clearly communicate how we feel and where the pain is. Since your pet can’t communicate her pain as clearly, it’s important to be aware of animal pain, the signs, and how it can be helped.

Signs of Pet Pain

Changes in Movement or Behavior

Your pet will often communicate the pain he feels in the way he acts. Your pet might be reluctant to do certain things like going up or down stairs or getting up as quickly as he used to.

Another sign that your pet could be in pain is a general decrease in physical activity.

While it can be easy to dismiss behaviors like this as signs of old age, it’s important to realize that pain might be the reason for changes in how our pets act.

Paying More Attention to an Area of the Body

Many pets will pay more attention to an area that hurts. This can include grooming an area more than usual.

Decreased Appetite

If your pet is in pain, she might not eat as much as she used to. Decreased appetite can signify a number of potential problems, including pain. If your pet is eating less than she typically does, you should contact your veterinarian for an appointment.

How to Alleviate Pet Pain

Talk with your vet about ways to help alleviate your pet’s pain. There are a number of options available, depending on the source of the pain and the degree of pain. Some helpful treatments include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Medication
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Laser therapy
  • Surgery
  • And more

If your pet is showing signs that he is in pain, contact your veterinarian right away. Your vet can help identify the cause of the pain and how to best treat it.