It’s that time of year again. Time to reflect on the year that has passed and think about goals for the New Year. While New Year’s resolutions can be a drag, especially if you find yourself setting the same goals each time around, it’s an opportunity for working toward things we care about.
One area you can focus your resolutions on is your time with your pets. It might not come to mind immediately, but there’s always room for making the most of that precious time with our little friends.
These simple but positive goals can help you add some special time with your pet this coming year.
Take Daily Walks
You don’t have to feel pressure on this one. If you miss a day, just pick up again the next day. The exercise will do you both some good. Plus, when you get out each day, you get time to clear your head, and you become more in tune with your natural surroundings.
Get a Pet Wellness Exam Each Year
This is an obvious one that your veterinarian will always point out, but keeping your pet healthy means making sure they are caught up on vaccinations and that any signs of health issues are caught early.
Travel with Your Pet
We’re not talking Paris or Tokyo here. Just taking a road trip or going camping can be a lot of fun. Always be sure to do some research in advance to make sure there are pet-friendly destinations available.
A Healthy Diet
This one works for both of you. For your pet, make sure table scraps are scrapped from their diet and the right amount of vet-recommended food is served each day. Giving pets treats is fun, but it should be limited, too.
Regular Play Time
This can be a scheduled reminder or just a general goal for spending more quality time with your pet. It can be easy to forget, but playtime is important. It helps you bond with your pet, and it’s fun exercise for them as well.
Enjoy the New Year with your pet. Make it a great one!