It’s that time of year again. We all feel our belts getting a bit tighter as we enjoy tasty holiday treats. Then when January comes, it will be time to get back in shape and shed those holiday pounds. For our pets though, the time to get in shape is now.
Pet obesity is a major issue in the United States. Most estimates have almost half of all pet dogs suffering from obesity. While they might not seem like they’re suffering through those large meals and tasty treats, the long term consequences are serious.
That’s why you should start helping your obese dog lose some weight now. Here’s how.
Talk with Your Veterinarian
Before beginning a new diet or exercise routine, it’s very important to get your dog checked out by your vet. Your veterinarian will let you know if your pet has any special health considerations or if you have the green light to work on that figure.
Your vet can also give you tips in terms of what food would be best for your dog and what portion sizes would help them lose weight in the most effective and healthy way.
Control Portions
The next step is to put your vet’s advice into practice. One of the most effective ways to prevent overeating is to measure your dog’s food portions. You can also set meal times and have them only eat at those times instead of grazing all day long.
Cut Snacks
Snacking between meals is a surefire way for your dog to take in more calories than he expends. To lose weight, your pet needs to be in a calorie deficit. Your vet will help you determine the right balance of diet and exercise for your dog.
Get Moving
Regular exercise is good for us all. Once you work out a solid exercise plan with your vet, it’s time to take those walks. If you can get your dog out each and every day for a good walk, you will be on your way to a healthier pet, and a healthier you!